The Tradition of "Deadly Duels in Covered Rags"
Selasa, Desember 20, 2011Tradition or community custom of stabbing in one sarong (sarong is a cloth covering the body to replace pants). because of shame, this tradition is in the title. The situation of 2 people killing each other in a duel trapped in one sarong. to uphold dignity, a kind of empathy value, namely the value of respect for the existence of other men. However, in the midst of the pull of upholding self-esteem (dignity) against the dimensions of upholding humanity, a feeling of compassion for others emerges. This is how the people of South Sulawesi, especially the Bugis-Makassar, (Indonesia) manage disputes 2 to be able to take a policy path of settlement action.
The Tradition of "Deadly Duels in Covered Rags"
the weapon used is a badik (similar to a bayonet but lucky iron, a mixture of steel and meteorites)
This particular Bugis-Makassar culture, when conflict is unavoidable, and self-respect must be upheld by a mutually exclusive way of life. At such times the bloody / killing conflict refers to the orientation of the test of human glory.
This enemy. The wisdoms set by the elders / ancestors in a deadly duel. not the desire to kill.
duel here can be interpreted as spiritual, cultural duel, duel to uphold the dignity of humanity as a servant of God. So the implementation of that wisdom, we defend ourselves or uphold honor as servants of a noble existence. So, human dignity must be maintained so that someone does not persecute fellow humans.
Duels are often associated with physical battles. Substantial cultural sense duel is the spirit of the duel itself, behind which there is an upheld glory. The process of upholding the glory must also be sublime in the process, not just a noble target, but also a process in that direction.
In order to conclude the duel of the sarong, the sarong must be interpreted as a symbol of unity and togetherness.
Being in a sarong means we are in a common habitat. So the sarong that binds us is not the same as to entangle the chain, but the bond of togetherness between the people.
This typical Bugis-Makassar culture, when conflict is unavoidable, and deep
So sarong is not interpreted as a narrow space for suicide, let alone to handcuff oneself. Amongst the people of this duel, it was not hatred that all of us used to misunderstand. How to enforce "siri and pacce" with symbolic combat in the sarong, in the sense that we are bound together as fellow human beings,
(in bonds between humans)
In conflict, do not hate enemies. this cultural attitude in times of emergency is called conflict. In Conflict we must humanize people.
"We cannot create a present or a future without history or past". So history is a teacher or committee who gives us the wisdoms of life.
At the end of the duel, 2 people died, sometimes 1 person was also alive. but after that incident. the victim's family no longer has any grudges. this is the solution to the continuous grudge between generations. <core "duel death" to end the revenge of the Bugis tradition - Makassar (Indonesia)
seminar on the value of the duel of death wisdom in a strapped cloth |
If there is no reality, in times past, dueling one glove relationship with the settlement of a conflict which can not but have to pull out the dagger with sheath to enter the versus is a symbolic, pengukuh for the glory of man as man. Well, to do with it, then what is called a duel? The duel is often associated as a physical fight. Duel is identical with the physical battle. Whereas here, the more substantial, is the spirit of the duel itself, that behind it there is the glory that is enforced. The process of enforcement of the glory it must also be noble in the process is not just a lofty target, but also the process in that direction.
To conclude the duel a glove, gloves should be interpreted as a symbol of unity and togetherness. Being in a sarong means we are in a shared habitat. So sarong ties that bind us are not similar in nature to ensnare the chain, but a bond of togetherness among the people. This specific culture Bugis-Makassar,Indonesia when the conflict can no longer be avoided, then the self-esteem must be enforced in a manner mutually exclusive lives. At such moments the bloody conflict refers to the orientation of a test of human glory.
So the glove is not interpreted as a narrow space for suicide, especially not to fetter ourselves. Among the people of this duel in the hatred that is commonly misunderstood by us all. How to enforce siri and pacce with symbolic fight in a holster, in the sense of the word we are bound together as fellow human beings, why should there be conflicts that bloody?
This is, yes, I think this is where the substance of the culture of South Sulawesi in enforcing siri, and pacce it, well within the bounds of contemporary orientation in the face of the modern world, most pragmatic, oriented material, consumerism as well as in terms of politics, always wear ' play dirty '.
So enforcement of siri and pacce by a demonstration in a symbolic fight gloves should we interpret a bond between fellow human beings. In the there is a conflict of 2 people not bad or we can not hate our enemies. We can not exploit your opponent's in animals, the hatred, that the existence of cultural wisdom Bugis-Makassar. What does the term Sipakatau was described in everyday behavior, including cultural attitudes at the time of emergency called conflict. Inside The conflict we have to humanize humans.
If we bring it into the modern world like today how we repeat what was said by experts of world culture such as "We can not create a present or future without any history or past". So history is a teacher or a committee that gives us wisdom-wisdom.
So to create a new civilization, cultural attitudes need to be there for "Discover The New In The Old". Finding something new, through the process of entry into the old cultures.
- Judul : The tradition of "deadly duels in covered rags"